Look At Daniel Boaventura Family Life After He Divorce With Juliana Serbeto

Daniel Boaventura and Juliana Serbeto Love was beautiful and their marriage is honorable. While you can easily walk out of the former when it seems to bring the opposite of beauty, the latter is more likely to be tricky to break off from if the sacred honor it should hold is sabotaged. Yet, it is what it is.

It’s most logical to believe that we can see this play out Inside Daniel Boaventura’s Family Life After Divorce With Juliana Serbeto. Apparently, a couple who may have had high hopes for their future together after walking down the aisle. What happened to Daniel Boaventura and Juliana Serbeto’s Marriage? Was the divorce necessary? To have a better chance at understanding this couple and what transpired between them. Let’s consider their lives together.

Daniel Boaventura Personal Life

Daniel Boaventura is one of Hollywood’s finest actor and is famous for the role he played in

‘Family Ties’ where he went by the name Alex.

Boaventura is also a Brazilian world artiste and was born on May 19, 1970 in Salvador, Bahia, and is currently 53 years old. He is a well-known artist who performs in sings, dances, and acts. Furthermore, he is perhaps one of the most popular heartthrobs in the art world’s history.

Daniel Boaventura’s Career

The artiste’s career took off a star curve after his success in Globo’s soap opera in 2000, then on he had a second appearance on the network (the first being in Hilda Furaço in 1998). Boaventura kept climbing in his career from one ladder to the next, and his jobs included soap operas like – Laços de Famlia, Kubanacan (2003), Cama de Gato (2009), Malhaço (2006, 2007, and 2008), Passione (2010), and Guerra dos Sexos (War of the Sexes) (2009).

Again, one his most recent role as an actor was in the movie Hebe: A Estrela do Brasil, (2019) which he portrayed Slvio Santos. He was also a part of two bands in high school: (Hours Vacant and The Touches.) Fernando Guerreiro, convinced him to join his production after witnessing one of their performances. In Brazil, he’s most known for his multiple musical theater performances. In 2009, he made his debut, with the CD Songs 4 U. Over the course of his career, Daniel Boaventura has released three studio albums, four live DVDs, and a combo CD.

Daniel Boaventura’s Marriage

Daniel got married to the then love of his life Juliana Serbeto. With their union, they both had two children (daughters) who is presently his ex-wife. Their daughters are – the eldest ‘Joana’ born in 2003, and ‘Isabela’, born in 2009. After 13 years of marriage, the couple seemed to have hit an unfixable spot in their relationship and they divorced in the year 2011.

After a few years went by, Daniel moved on, and got married to Maria Netto. Netto, shares Boaventura’s vocation, she’s an actress. Both stayed in the union for six years, and backed out, following a divorce in 2019.

How Did Daniel Boaventura and His Wife Separate?

The artiste and actor is seldom a source of contention, especially due to his career and success. After his last divorce to his ex-wife, he listed the house they both lived in for six years, for sale and it was priced at 4 million reais. The speculations about the relationship facing hard times began after Netto shared a selfie of a shattered heart while at a party. “He came in with his foot, and I came in with my a**,” Netto had captioned in one of her social media post. Boaventura was the one who put up their house for sale. He said that he no longer needed anything to do with his wife.

Daniel Boaventura

In spite being a sucker at intimate relationships, Daniel Boaventura has a rather strong bond with his children, and spends a lot of time with them. He makes post on his Instagram account often, about the amazing moments he has with his girls. One of those photo was of a vacation to Disney World with his daughters. “There are much too many selfies and grimaces for the bill.” “How about you, tell me about a wonderful family vacation,” said the post’s when the caption was translated.

Daniel seems to make do with what he has left from his two failed marriages and his daughters are his huge treasures. Alongside a fat account balance and streams of asset that is estimated at $22.3 billion. Most of which he earned from being a World Music Singer and an actor.

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