Does Kimmi Grant Scott Have Cancer ? Check This Out

Who Kimmi Grant Scott and Maurice Are ? These two have been married officially as a couple, and living together. Maurice has three kids (Tatyana, D’Shalya, and Maurice Jr.) from his previous relationship while Kimmi has a son named (Jaylin) from her previous relationship. The couple have no biological children yet.

Before their union was challenged by a sudden discovery by Huntsville fame, who had through the help of a self examination on Kinmi had found two lumps in her right breast and by June 2022, there was another diagnosis of triple negative breast cancer, which is also an acute and most aggressive form of that particular disease.

According to Grant, she says, “It was hard for all of us to accept,” and on the day she had received that phone call. “I was like, ‘This is Kimberlee Scott. You sure you called the right person?”

Then she went on to say she felt her husband Maurice got hit the biggest by the news, since he was more of, a “fixer.” She came to this stance because she knew Maurice loved to get things fixed when they went sideways and that “It was difficult because it’s something he can’t fix,” Kimmi had said.

She mentioned she had wanted her normal life to remain as unchanging as can be. She didn’t want to parade obviously as a patient, which also blurred her husband from knowing the depths of what she was going through.

In her words “I still got up and went to work,”. “I did the laundry. I still did his meal prep every Sunday. I think sometimes, when he would see me up and about, it could kind of get confusing. ‘Is she okay? Is she not okay?’ I think there were times when he thought I was better than I was, to no fault of his own.”

Also a part of acting normal when she was far from it included keeping up with their sex schedule, one Kimmi Grant had formulated in her own mind, without ever speaking to Maurice on the subject.

She went on to explain that “A lot of men feels like when they get married, the sex changes. I hear it all the time. Comedians talk about it, and in my heart, I didn’t want that to be our situation. And so I had always said to myself, ‘I wasn’t ever going to let my husband go seven days without us making love.’”

Between her cancer journey, it hit her on an occasion that, two weeks had gone by since she and Maurice had had sex. Due to the cancer treatments sessions, Kimmi’s libido was a bit misplaced from what it used to be. Still, she wanted to maintain the connection. So, she made a decision.

“In my head, I thought, ‘I just won’t finish,’” she added.

It was this decision to have sex, even though she knew she may not have an orgasm, is the reason her husband had described her as “suffering” through sex.

Also to emphasize the point better, according to an interview Maurice had with reality TV producer Carlos King, he said, “There’s a difference between wants and needs. And I’m a person who actually needs sex, not a person who wants sex.” “Life throws us curveballs like what we’re going through right now. What Kimmi is doing is admirable as a spouse,” he kept saying.

“To roll over and suffer through it, fakes it all for me. Because at that moment, it’s something she completely didn’t desire. I look at it like her standing by me while I’m standing by her. As difficult as it may seem, we should feel that we would be better people and say, ‘Oh no, I don’t want or need sex for however long it takes for you to recover.’ But we then live in reality where that’s not true.”

So, the reality TV producer later asked him, “We need oxygen. We need water. Why do you need sex?”

Maurice replied humorously saying, “I need sex like Carlos needs mess.”

So, you are probably wondering why King and Maurice were dissecting the latter’s sexlife in the first place. But this particular conversation had an effect on Kimmi, she felt exposed.

In her words “At that moment, I felt like he was more concerned with his banter with Carlos,”. “And it was very much so less concern for me, our situation, our livelihood and my health. Because he was wanting to make a joke. And she chipped in, ‘I don’t think in relation to our journey, is there any room for jest.’”

It took Maurice some time, and some public reactions, for her husband to grasp the severity of the issue and the point she painted.

Maurice had spoken again after a backlash he received both in and outside his home “I didn’t have a real appreciation for that moment,” “Just because I was trying to joke about Carlos. It took a while for me to really understand that everyone doesn’t know my heart. They don’t know who I am as a person. They only get snippets and bits of who I am. And I have to be very careful to make sure I’m conveying the correct message whenever I speak because our platform is so big. It has real-life repercussions.”

Maurice further saw the reality more expressly with help when the couple went in for counseling after his viral comment.

“I felt like once he saw the interview, he would be like, ‘Oh I messed up,’” Kimmi admitted. “But it didn’t happen that way. We had to actually have a conversation and I had to point out things. Social media had to go crazy. And that’s what made me say, ‘Yeah we need a counselor because I don’t see how you don’t see that this was a problem before everybody saw it was a problem.’ And at the end of the day, he agreed.”

Today, Maurice fully gets it.

“I didn’t think about how it would affect her, my family,” he admits. “You’re the protector. You’re supposed to make sure that harm doesn’t come our way. However, you’re the person that may have brought harm our way with your actions. It’s setting aside my own personal self and being a little bit more self-aware.”

With his new bout of increased self-awareness, he realized that the use of the word “suffer” was quite serious.“When Kimmi is doing something out of routine, versus out of desire, that to me was something where maybe she was looking at it from that perspective,” he explains.

But Kimmi corrected that statement, saying she didn’t suffer through sex and sex wasn’t something Maurice demanded. “Absolutely never. He’s never asked, suggested, implied, inferred that I just go ahead and do this so he can have some type of pleasure,” she says. “It would never be in a situation where I didn’t feel good. I was never sick, nauseous like, ‘Oh my goodness, let me have sex.’ It’s never been like that. Absolutely, positively never ever.”

While Maurice’s comments at first had left Kinmi Grant feeling vulnerable, today the Scotts has seen a positive angle to it, how the moment had helped them grow.

“This situation has definitely given me an opening to have more communication and understanding with my wife,” Maurice said. “That thing exploded so badly that you couldn’t help but read the comments and see the collateral damage from it,” Kimmi acceded. “As bad as it may appear on the outside, looking in, it was a building block to help us see that words matter.”

Kinmi Grant’s Awareness

Kimmi Grant Scott’s Cancer Treatment Lasted 20 Daunting Weeks

Shortly after her diagnosis, Kimmi started a 20-week aggressive chemotherapy treatment which lasted till the 5th of December 2022 when she had her last infusion. A scan revealed that all of her cancerous breast cells were gone and further to this, she had a breast-conserving surgery prior to submitting herself from 36 rounds of radiation treatment that lasted till April 23, 2023.

With Maurice and Kinmi’s story, the couple expresses that what they passed through had been just one bright spot in their challenge and there was another – the need to provide awareness to save lives and marriages.

“This platform afforded me an insane opportunity to talk to people who look like me, who are disproportionately affected with breast cancer because they don’t go do mammograms, don’t know to do them, can’t afford them. And they just don’t really have a voice,” she said.

“I have been privy to different people this platform has helped. And I’m grateful for that,” Kimmi emphasized. “Even with the nicks and dings me and Maurice might take on other stuff, this outweighs that nick and ding any day.”

Throughout this period, Kinmi had received several medications which distorted and exhausted her psychologically, physically and otherwise and sometimes left her in tears. She further expressed her body was still on it’s way to making a full recovery as she hardly gets up early enough to attend to the needs of her family.

Having survived cancer, Mrs Scott chooses to raise awareness for cancer in general by encouraging people to go for scans and routine checks, as according to her, 90% of cancers are curable if detected at stage 1.

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